• OTF Pension News – June 12, 2017
    OTF has announced a return to full inflation protection for retired teachers and a contribution rate reduction for active teachers. For more information please see this Pension Communiqué.
  • OTPP 2016 Annual Report
    A 4.2% total fund rate of return has increased net assets to a record-high of $175.6 billion. The plan announced a $11.5 billion preliminary funding surplus, based on current benefit and contribution levels. For more information please see the Annual Reporting page on the OTPP website.
  • Featured News
    Latest news from the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan
  • Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan
    Access your pension information online.
  • OTF Communiqué
    An OTF publication containing pension news.


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  The Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan

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  The Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario