On March 5th and 6th, 2018 collective bargaining representatives for both full-time and occasional teachers, attended collective bargaining training held in Toronto. Participants were treated to a warm welcome from President Sam Hammond as well as an excellent keynote address from JP Hornick who is the second vice-president of OPSEU Local 556. The message throughout the two days was to be prepared and be united when participating in collective bargaining on behalf of the membership. Below are your local leaders showing support for our fellow educators in the province of Nova Scotia. (L to R Shannon Wittmaack Local ONE OT President, Bill Newell Local ONE VP, Tina Girard Collective Bargaining rep Local ONE, Lori Ridley-Whyte Local ONE President, Darrell MacGregor, Local ONE OT VP, kneeling in front, Cheryl Sheffield, Local ONE Chief Negotiator. Missing from the picture is Travis Kendall, Local ONE OT collective bargaining rep.
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